I just realized that I never announced the manliness of our child. Indeed, he's a boy- so bring on the dinosaurs and cargo pants.
Of course, since we found out, I can't help but peruse the baby section anytime I'm anywhere that has one, to get an idea of what kinds of clothes he's in for. I'm a bit appalled by the intense paucity of the baby boy clothes selection, especially by comparison to that for little girls.
And what is it with dogs? Trains, trucks, pirates, even blue elephants, I can see as being more boy-ish. But why are there sooooo many dog prints? I feel like every third piece of clothing I lay eyes on has paw-prints or some kind of puppy on it. Call me a modern woman, but I think girls like dogs too. I mean really... how many boys do YOU know that have one of those absurdly adorable puppy calendars? Case in point. Make any of those puppies pink, and it could just as easily be a little-girl onesie.
Okay, okay, I guess I should really be thanking the baby-boy clothes-gods for trying to expand the variety available, but I feel like they went a bit over-kill on this one.
Anyway, he's a boy, and we're way excited. :) The nursery is now painted (thanks mom for saving us from those toxic fumes) and I can't wait to get some furniture in there.

I've been very good at not buying things for him until after baby-showers, but I found some super cute monkey flannel (same as shown, but with yellow background) and decided to make a receiving blanket with brown and white polka-dot lining.
Just one, I promise. Then I'll stop.
I had to do this one, though, because I swear he's going to be a little monkey. I have a hard time believing that humans can move around like he does.