Me: [to the kids at breakfast after a particularly contentious morning] “I want to live in a house where everyone is kind all the time and I think if you guys gave it a shot, you’d all like it too.”
Toad: “I hate shots!”
Monday, March 23, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
McCarthy 5.0
born March 6, 2020
7 lbs
20 inches
Wow, did she come in a hurry! We weren't expecting her for over 2 more weeks, and as such, I had packed in a whole lot of business that I wanted taken care of before she arrived, that had to be cancelled at the last minute. (I was especially looking forward to my hair appointment later that day...)
Birth story alert:
I had been having strong contractions all day the previous day, but they were only every 15 minutes or so and got slightly less frequent as the day went on, so I thought it was just a fluke (especially since, so early!). They were very strong, though, and required a pause to breath through. I slept horribly, because of the contractions, but eventually got a couple hours of sleep in the early morning. Still thinking them to be very strong Braxton Hicks, I carried on with my homeschooling day as usual, anticipating my hair appointment, right after lunch. I literally finished my last bite and my water broke! Luckily, Jay was there with us for lunch! He called his mom to come over and ran upstairs to pack my hospital bag while I shouted things up to him to add. We got to the hospital, I had contractions long enough to get an IV (twice, because they messed up the first time) and 2 pushes and a huddle of nurses later, she was born!

Welcome to the family!
"Rose" McCarthy
born March 6, 2020
7 lbs
20 inches
Wow, did she come in a hurry! We weren't expecting her for over 2 more weeks, and as such, I had packed in a whole lot of business that I wanted taken care of before she arrived, that had to be cancelled at the last minute. (I was especially looking forward to my hair appointment later that day...)
Birth story alert:
I had been having strong contractions all day the previous day, but they were only every 15 minutes or so and got slightly less frequent as the day went on, so I thought it was just a fluke (especially since, so early!). They were very strong, though, and required a pause to breath through. I slept horribly, because of the contractions, but eventually got a couple hours of sleep in the early morning. Still thinking them to be very strong Braxton Hicks, I carried on with my homeschooling day as usual, anticipating my hair appointment, right after lunch. I literally finished my last bite and my water broke! Luckily, Jay was there with us for lunch! He called his mom to come over and ran upstairs to pack my hospital bag while I shouted things up to him to add. We got to the hospital, I had contractions long enough to get an IV (twice, because they messed up the first time) and 2 pushes and a huddle of nurses later, she was born!

The kids got to come see her a few hours later and it was so fun to see their reactions- the girls are obsessed, Toad had a huge grin on his face when he got to "hold" her and even The Frog let us put her in his lap. He was a good sport at the time, but now, even he begs to hold her. :)

I need to give a shout out to the best. daddy. ever! He is driving everyone everywhere they need to be, getting food ready (including making sure I never had to eat the hospital food...) and keeping the house orderly single-handedly. He also does it without complaint and even a calf massage my way ;) Love that guy so much!
It's hard to let her sleep in her crib because everyone wants a turn with Rose.
Welcome to the family!