Thursday, November 1, 2007

Is it wrong...?

that I, for some reason, have a strong desire to keep my emptied jam jar? Just looking at it makes me want to be crafty...

and what if I need it?


  1. I find myself desiring to keep jars of all sizes and shapes often, none as cute as yours. I say keep!

  2. i can always count on you, linds. :)

  3. I keep mine and then fill them with grease from bacon and stuff. That way I have a clean way to toss it away. But if you love the jar you can always fill it with Christmas goodies and give away as gifts. Just add a ribbon and voile. Cute gift.

  4. great idea! i love feeling like i've made a practical decision. i think i'll keep it :)

  5. libby....don't turn into a pack rat.... it is a cute jar though.
