Christmas was great! Jay and I were together, finally, with his family in Mass, and though it is hard to feel like Christmas when you're not with

While in New England, I decided to take advantage of Jay's mom's (I think this sounds friendlier than mother-in-law, and she deserves only positive sounding references) mad sewing expertise and dig out the fragments of intended quilt that I started constructing several years ago. I slowly gathered interesting fabrics from JoAnn's scrap fabric bin, until I thought I had enough for a scrap quilt, and got everything cut out and even began sewing some of my patches together, but once school started up again, I flew off to Brown and left all my fabric in the back of my closet in a shoe box, almost forgotten. However, I was reminded of our need for a bed-covering now that we'll actually be sleeping in the same bed, and I knew she would be a valuable resource, so I had Jay take the things to Mass after Thanksgiving in Utah. So during our down time, I frantically worked for many hours and got caught up on many a podcast that went unheard (since I accidentally left my ipod in Utah, most of last quarter). Perhaps I'll comment on some of the really good ones in a later post. Needless to say, I still haven't finished my quilt, despite having worked on it for many hours since arriving in California. But more about that in a bit, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Jay and I flew back to Stanford together (YAY!) on New Year's Eve and arrived at 10pm. We were supposed to be able to get the keys to our new abode in the on-campus "couples' housing", but for some reason they didn't have our key and we ended up sleeping together in the twin bed of my old place. (Was fun for a night, but I'm glad that was no permanent situation.) We found ourself at midnight:05 sitting over a candle-lit frozen pizza dinner from Trader Joe's and realized that our starvation had clouded our memories of the approaching new year. However, I think it was probably the best New Year's Eve yet- finally being with my love and for the first time not having large expectations.
Okay, a quick two cents: For some reason, New Year's Eve is always one of those holidays that I expect to be completely awesome and stupendously exciting- enough so to get all glammed up with glitter and all, and then come the new year, all expectations seem to always be let-down. This year was a nice change. :)
The next morning, our amazing home teacher and wife helped us move into our new tiny place and we finally started to feel like a real life

The first week of class went as well as can be expected, and I'm very excited that after auditing a ballet class every quarter, I finally have room to take one for credit! I'm hoping with only 2 real classes, I'll have some time to enjoy myself (and my man) too.

My bestest Brown buddy (and old roomie from college) was in town this past weekend, so Jay and I got to be tourists and went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and other fun things. I also got to show off the awesomeness of FOPAL booksale and finally found a decent haircutting book (which I've been wanting for some time- ever since I first cut said roomy's hair in college), as well as some quilting ones and a few other cheap treasures. I tell you, I'm dangerous in a store with good deals, and I want to be dangerous in a bookstore... so put them together and watch out!
Ok, that's enough for now. Thanks for hangin' in there everyone!! :)

Love this post! Thanks for the update. When you finish the quilt, be sure to post pictures. I'd love to see it!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you guys are finally together! It looks like you're having a blast, keep us updated!
ReplyDeleteLib, I laughed when I read about your new years because I fell asleep on new years eve and adam had to shake me awake at 12:30. Honestly, it was one of the better new years I've had...:)