Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nursery Additions

The Frog's Nanny bought him a cute little froggy mobile, but we couldn't attach it to our crib, (too complicated to explain why) so I've been on the lookout for a different one. My oldest bro and sister-in-law suggested the Infant Stim-Mobile and so I bought it on amazon (Thanks Laura for the gift card!) and it came on Tuesday.

The Frog LOVES it! More than once I've put him under it while fussy and he'll immediately stop fussing and just stare at it, mesmerized. He even smiles! (notice the pic) It keeps him entertained for his whole awake time, and it doesn't even move or have music! My favorite part about it is that it comes with many pictures, so you can switch it up and give him something else to look at. I also like that you can change its height, so that new babies are able to focus on it really close to their face, and when they get old enough to reach for it, you can raise it up higher. So smart!

While I'm discussing nursery additions, I've been meaning to find some kind of wall hanging that would be good for a nursery, but also functional and bright- something interesting for him to look at as well. I found the PERFECT thing at TJMaxx Home Goods for a very reasonable price.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for numbers :)

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