Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas was so great this year! Busy, but fun. My entire family was in town, so my mom had a very full house. This is the first year where the cousins have all been together and been old enough to actually enjoy playing with each other. The girls, especially "lil sis" really liked looking at "the baby". It was very cute.

I was very pleased to have a white Christmas this year. I was getting a bit nervous, but our weather pulled through and we got dumped on pretty much the whole week before. For me, it's just not Christmas without snow.

The highlight of my gifts from Jay was an MC Escher calendar. "A measly calendar?" you ask? This is no ordinary calendar. Jay shrunk down pictures of our family and cut them out and glued them in about 2/3 the dates, and the other dates have lovey quotations hand-written in.

I'm a sucker for homemade presents :)

The Frog also gave me the best possible present... he slept in! I couldn't believe it! It was the first time that I got to wake up naturally since he was born. Yes folks, I slept in until 10:20. I thank my family for wearing him out :D

Finally, we cheated and waited to buy a fake tree until the day after Christmas (50% off!) and put it up then. We don't have a ton of ornaments, but I think it's pretty cute anyway :D

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