Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I finally got things hanging up in the library. You like?


  1. Wow, so cute and creative! I love it!

  2. I LOVE!! Where did you got those magnet boards?

  3. I'm lovin' all the clocks. In my future library, my goal will be to not have any wall space at all--but to have bookcases all around. This may pose a problem for accessing electrical outlets though:)

  4. cool!! Wanna know what would be cooler... to have each of the clocks representing a family ex: mom and dad's time, our time, mat's time, jay's parents time...ya

  5. okay, that's awesome. I dig the clocks.

  6. actually, the time zone thing was our original plan, but we really only have family in 3 time zones, and it seemed dumb to pick other non-significant locations for the others. (PLUS, after living east and west-coast, i'm very used to thinking about the time where fam is) I was also having trouble making the locations look good and not cheap so instead i'm happy with making VERY sure of the time here :)

  7. Absolutely COOOOOOOL! I really, really LOVE it! Great Job!

    gma j

  8. Additional thought. We are now on daylight savings in the southern hemisphere. So now we're three hours ahead! You need a whole new clock just for us! We don't group with anyone. Please label ours your favorite! You can keep track of at least 2 time zones......pleeease....

    gma j
