Monday, November 23, 2009

Alternative Thanksgiving

This year, since my parents are on a mission in Chile, the only local family I have is doing Thanksgiving with the in-laws, SO I took matters into my own hands and did something early with everyone. I'm saving my turkey for Thursday, though there will only be 2.5 people eating it, so instead I just made chili and potato soup and the other families brought corn bread. It was yum.

Here's little cousin S. He has the longest eyelashes! I didn't have my camera out enough, so he's the only kid who got a close-up.

Here's Audra with her white w/ chocolate truffle frosting cake. I was ill-prepared in the candle department (I can't even count how many times that has been the case) so her wish was a bit easier to obtain than it should have been. Oh well, she probably deserves it :)

Before everyone left, I insisted on a sofa shot. This is the one closest to getting them all to look at me. I think two pictures later, cousin W started smacking everyone on the head :D

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