Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cousins Reunite!

Today we trudged through the slushy yuck to meet up with the fam at Uncle J and Auntie A's home. As always, the place was decked out for the occasion. Here is their REAL Christmas tree with all our white elephant gifts :) We had a delicious ham meal with all the fixins and I brought the mashed potatoes and blackberry cobbler- both of which I managed to keep warm during the 1 hr commute by wrapping them with a towel.
The most fun is just watching all the little cousins run around together. I love this picture of The Frog and cousin S making eye-contact.
Cousin N and cousin S hanging out on the floor.
Cousin W loves his pacifier and The Frog thinks it's amazing and totally novel since we put his away once he wouldn't take a pacifier anymore (7 mo). Here you can see they're "sharing".
And now The Frog is making off with it! Little scamp!
After years of drawing names, we have decided to do white elephants instead. It was nice to get rid of some of our usable stuff that we no longer wanted. We ended up with a puzzle of Starry Night by Van Gogh and a little travel game set with backgammon, chess, checkers and a deck of cards.
We had so much fun! Many thanks to the Day family for hosting it!

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