baby, mama, dada, cow, poo, go, boo, shoe, eye, no, nanie (Jay's mom), gi-gi (great grandma), ow, hello, bye-bye,
and some almost words are
(sorry, this is more for me to remember than to be interesting)
"chee" (cheese), "lie" (light), "lie" with a growl (lion), "dah" (dog), "tah" (cat), "she" (fish), "po" (hippo), "cha" (chair), "tah" (table), "babah" (apple), "na" (banana), "see" (cereal), "ee" (ear), "bow" (elbow), "no" (nose), "naw" (knot, like a knot in wood), "wah" (wall), "la" (water, who knows?), "la" (lid), "bow" (bowl), "soo" (spoon), "dow" (down), "pee" (plane), "cah" (car), "bah" (ball), "rah" (rabbit), "how" (horse), "go" (goat), "guh" (girl), "fah" (frog), "ow" (owl), "sah" (sock), "boo" (boot),
and probably others I'm not recalling. He recognizes almost all of his main body parts and soo many other common objects. He can even follow directions, like pick something up and bring it to me! (when he wants to) I just can't believe how suddenly this seemed to have come on! He also really loves to make animal noises, his favorites probably being monkey noises and "moo". His chicken is really funny: "ba ba ba ba".
Today he started saying "dadoo", for anything he doesn't know what to call. I'm trying to get him to change it to "doodad", because I think it would be funny and more accurate.
And finally, has also recently graduated from the high chair. Not because we feel he's big enough, but rather because he is too restless. He broke the buckle that holds him long ago (trying to get out before he should) and now as soon as we put him in, he tries to careen himself, head-first, to the tile floor. We decided it was more dangerous than helpful, and now he happily stands on a chair. (We can't get him to sit on a booster.)
Aren't toddlers fun? A handful, but fun. The last picture of the Frog totally embodies that. :) Neat that he's saying so many words! Hope you guys are doing well...