Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Master Builder

We were fortunate enough to inherit many hand-me-down toys for The Frog, even before he was born. So many, in fact, that we think it superfluous to have them all on hand at all times (and we don't really have the inside space). We have instead devised a (loose) system of storing the majority of toys in the garage, and rotating them in (and out) every few months. It seems to be going well and it's really fun to discover the toys that used to be uninteresting and are now a highlight. These blocks are a huge hit now, and it's so fun to watch the funny looking structures The Frog so purposefully and deliberately creates. His face is so concentrated and he seems to have a plan for every piece. I love watching him as much as his emerging towers.

I love that he put the car right on top! :)

What a masterpiece!

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