Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Weekend!

After briefly debating about whether or not The Frog is old enough for messy egg-dyeing, I just couldn't bring myself to let him do anything else. It's just not Easter without it!! So I put on my apron, and pulled out the tablets on Saturday. Though I tried to keep him from touching the glasses of dye as much as possible, he still joined me in "woah"s as we brought out the newly colored egg, and emphatically requested a color for the next one.

Aren't they cute?!

He, of course, wanted to "hoe" (hold) the finished products and so all my careful separation was for naught. Luckily, it came off in the tub :)

On Sunday, he loved playing with my Easter (wheat) Grass centerpiece I'd been growing. It still looked very uniform and straight, before this happened.

I decided to do easy dinner so I could enjoy conference, and a painstaking cake that could be made ahead. I too often find myself running around on holidays that I sometimes wonder where they went. I think this was a great idea and I'll probably make it my tradition. We had yummy BBQ beef sandwiches and a new recipe I found for Garlic & Parsley New Potatoes, which was really easy and we all liked. And for the cake? I made this:

It's goooood. I made my own lemon curd for it, which was surprisingly easy. Unfortunately, I now not only have a lot of cake to eat, but a lot of lemon curd as well. Yay for holidays!

Uncle J, Auntie A, and cousin S joined us for dinner and I sadly forgot to take any pictures!! We were just enjoying ourselves too much, I guess. :)


  1. Oh my gosh I want that cake. Coconut AND lemon!! Mmmmm.

  2. I want that cake too. Come to Cali and make it for my wedding. Or maybe I'll just make it and stuff my face pre-wedding.
