Monday, January 31, 2011

French Guest

This week we have decided to purge. It's felt SOOOOO good. So far we've been selling movies and books on Amazon, and other household things that I don't want anymore (mostly home decor and baby stuff) on ksl classifieds online. It's been awesome to get more freedom AND a small amount of cash with it.

Also, I decided to buy myself one of these thanks to an awesome deal on a blog I read and some Christmas money from my very generous in-laws (and some I've been saving as well). I have been experimenting with it the last couple of nights and I am SOOOO excited that they just announced that they have developed some fusible interfacing that allows the Silhouette to cut fabric too!! Ohhhh baby. The more I play with it, the more ideas I have for it! I can't believe the precision too. I was able to cut out very ornate shapes that would fit inside a 1"x1" square. Seriously, this thing is awesome.

I'm realizing that I haven't shown any progress made on our house since being put back together, and I think that's because I'm waiting for everything to be really "done" (whenever that will be), but I now have a wall next to our kitchen table that I'm trying to decide what to do with. I know I definitely want something white there, to lighten things up, and maybe I'll hang some plates, but I had a fun idea to cut out some white vinyl (that came with my Silhouette) to put there. My initial idea was to put the word "eat" somewhere and have plates hanging. I realized it would be really easy for me to test what it would look like by just cutting out paper first, and I could even do mock plates! Well, when I was cutting out the plates, I cut out concentric circles (just to test it, right?) and I couldn't help but think they looked like eyeballs. Several sheets of paper later, we now have a guest in our home.

We are calling him "Jacque Français" and The Frog got a real kick out of him this morning.

Notice the "eat" too. I think it's kind of cute, but Jay is not a fan. Oh well, at least our wall won't be empty until I can find something else. :)

PS I'm in the process of recovering our bench cushions. I'm totally aware of how bad they look with the green walls :D


  1. That is hillarious, Libby. Maybe I can borrow him when you're done - it might help me stay on my diet if I have that guy staring me down in the kitchen :). I LOVE the green color - and hope you're still up for me stealing it for my kitchen! I'm trying to get my office/laundry room done first, but I'd love to find that color and find a couple coordinating colors for the other rooms on the main floor! The machine sounds awesome!

  2. Hi Libby! Love the new houseguest! & I think the "eat" looks fun :)

  3. SO jealous. i want one so bad!! do you love it??
