Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy 40th Anniversary! (Mass Trip Part 1)

Our family made our annual trip out to Mass to visit Nanie and Gampie this July.  We feel so lucky that Jay's job is flexible enough to allow us to stay for 2 weeks!  As always, we had a great time.  I can't believe it, but I FORGOT MY CAMERA.  Luckily, his parents let me use theirs.  I didn't have enough time to figure out the manual settings until midway through the trip, and for some reason, many of the photos got corrupted, but I'll share some that survived. 

Jay's parents celebrated their 40th anniversary this year and so he and his older sister decided to throw them a celebration.  We planned it for when our family was going to be out visiting them.

 Instead of a guest book that they would flip through once and never again, we decided it would be fun to have people write well-wishes on river rocks and place them in a vase as a home decor reminder.
I don't have any pictures of the final result, but I think it looks really great!
Kids' table:
 Jay's older sister made the beautiful cake herself!

 Jay's parents got married at the courthouse, so we thought it would be fun to have them cut the cake for us :)

 I'm realizing now that most of the pictures were taken before or after the event since Jay and I spent most of the time being reminded why we never take our kids to restaurants...
Someone brought this lovely bouquet (stuck full of $5 and $10 bills), I just had to take a picture :)

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