Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Visiting Cousins and Goodbye (Mass Trip part 4)

One thing I love about visiting Jay's family in Mass is that I also get to see my older sister and her family!  I sued to see her all the time when I was at school back East and it was always so much fun.  I miss the frequent visits...
 We forgot to take many pictures because we were having so much fun catching up and the kids were having so much fun running around together, but here are a couple.
I love everyone's expressions in this one...
We spent most of the time playing with blocks and cars, eating delicious fresh foods, and playing with water balloons.  It's so fun now that our kids are old enough to play together.  I know our visits will only get better and better.

We had SUCH a great time and can't wait for next summer!

Jay wanted to make sure he packed the essentials.

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