Monday, September 5, 2011

Congrats Iris!

 Iris had her Varsity Bulldog Classic tournament on Thursday and Friday.  I forgot how fun it is to go to sporting events when you actually care about the outcome!  Jay and I traded off going to the games on Thursday- we had all planned to go but The Frog had some signs of sickness, so we decided not to bring him.

There were 6 teams competing.  First every team played every other to establish rankings (Timpview won all 5 games- even against their rival Provo High) and ended up being placed first.  Then they had the single elimination play.  The easily beat their first opponent, but their final game agains Provo was soo intense.  (Jay got to watch their first game with them, which I hear was just as intense...)

I'm so glad I got to be there Friday night while Jay stayed home with the sleeping kids.    Timpview lost their first match by 2 points, then won their second, but it was close.  The final match was sooo intense, but I would like to add that Iris was responsible for 3 points in a row!  She was on FIRE.  I'd love to think it was genetics, but then I have to keep reminding myself that we are not related.  I'm just her fake mom...

I seriously haven't screamed so much in a long time, maybe ever!  I thought for sure I would be hoarse the next day (but I wasn't).  Anyway, if you couldn't guess, we ended up pulling ahead from being behind and won the third match, 15 to 12.  It was awesome!!  From what I gathered, it's been a LONG time since Timpview has beat their rival team in volleyball.  They get to keep this gigantic trophy in their case all year.

I'm soo soooo sad I didn't bring my camera.  Luckily, I had my phone :)

This was just a pre-season tournament, but it got me way excited for the rest of the season.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who bought cookie dough or donated money to the team!  Rest assured the money will not be put to waste :D

1 comment:

  1. So cool, you guys are doing such a good job with your exchange student!
