Friday, October 14, 2011

First Minky Blanket

This morning I finished sewing my first ever minky baby blanket.  Ever since I felt the stuff, I've wanted to make one.  (it's just so darn expensive!)
One of my neighbors was expecting her first and instead of doing what I normally do- buy from the registry, I decided to utilize some JoAnn's coupons and whip something up real quick.
The front- though it looks pieced, is jut flannel made to look that way.  Totally cheated...
I thought it would look better if I had some kind of border, but didn't think about that until I got home...  So, I cut the minky a bit larger made a kind of border that ended up being MUCH trickier than I expected to get the corners to look decent.
I did some minor quilting just to help it stay together after washing.
Don't look too closely at the corner- arg!

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