Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nabeyaki Udon and Tamagoyaki

Iris loves udon, but had never made it before.  When I saw the noodles at the store, I thought, "what the heck?"

I did what I always do, and googled "Nabeyaki Udon recipe" (since that's what we ordered at Shoga when we went for Iris's birthday) and ended up using this one.

Iris, also made tamagoyaki, which is basically eggs, beaten, with salt and sugar and then poured extremely thin- like a crepe, and rolled, pour more, roll, over and over, so all the egg is one giant roll.
tamagoyaki (tamago = egg)
Here are some of the prepared Udon ingredients.  Notice the pink and white stuff- Peach loved it.
It's not called for, but Iris said to put it in.  Who am I to argue?  It's cooked fish.  Here's the package.  (We bought it at Sage Market in Salt Lake- it's a Japanese-specific market.  It was fun to go, but not worth the drive from Provo)

Udon package.  I'm sure any udon would be fine though.
the boiled udon
chicken.  I love how Iris says this word.
removing the spinach.  Thanks beeg seester for this awesome contraption!
Ok, we're about to start cooking it all together.  Doesn't it look beautiful? (noodles are under neath)
Once the chicken looks done, you crack a couple of eggs in there.  I never knew how much of a staple eggs are in Japanese cuisine.
Iris showing off the final product
Mmmm.  It was good too.
I found these awesome chopsticks at Sage market that are for kids.  I couldn't resist getting some for Peach and The Frog, despite their ridiculous cost.
They are shorter and have a little loop thing for your finger.

I suppose I was a bit over-zealous, considering The Frog only uses a fork about half the time...

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember if I've already said this, but I love hearing all about your foreign exchange student! It seems like you guys are having a great time with her and she is really taking advantage of her time here.

    I also love Nabeyaki Udon and Iris is right, they always come with those pink and white fish cakes.
