Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day

We had a great Christmas this year- poor Iris had to wake up as early as the kids on a Sunday, but she was a good sport about it. :)
Peach loves taking small objects out of containers, so this was right up her alley.
 We started a new tradition this year - the Christmas Pickle.  The pickle ornament gets hidden on Christmas Eve and whoever finds it first on Christmas morning, gets the "pickle prize" :)  (this year a Snickers)
The Pickle Prize winner (with lots of help...)

Peach with her favorite present - her baby

Peach in her Christmas dress

The Frog in his Christmas sweater - Thanks Nanie!

I made this fur hat for Iris- it's a copycat of a cute one we saw at Gap 

The Frog experiencing Pez for the first time

The Kids

I wrapped Peach up in my new scarf.  Doesn't she look like a monk?
I usually end up feeling bad on mutual gift-giving holidays because Jay always seems to think of something amazing.  This year, he gave me a life-time subscription to Ballet West and we went have our first date tomorrow night at The Nutcracker!  I'm sooo excited :)

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and will have a very Happy New Year!

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