Monday, December 5, 2011

Ward Christmas Breakfast

We had our ward Christmas Party on Saturday and the decor was crazy awesome.  Like Pinterest awesome.  I can't believe the work that must have gone into it!
The food donation area
cute mini presents stuck to the front of the stage
The program backdrop and where pics with Santa will be later.
Isn't that a sweet punch bowl?  It feels so festive!
Crazy marshmallows at the hot chocolate bar
Giant Cardboard ginger people decorated the walls all over
Can you believe the cardboard reindeer?  That must have been soo painful to make...  I have a hard time cutting out symmetric windows in a box house...
Cute gingerbread men.  Do you see the one with the casualty?
Plasticware is not supposed to look cute at a ward party...
Cereal and fruit.  I love those huge containers.
There was one of these at EVERY SEAT.  hours.  hours and hours is all I think of looking at this.
My visiting teachee's family just had a new baby last month and they dressed for a nativity while the birth story in Luke 2 was read and I played "Away in a Manger" on the piano.
When it was The Frog's turn to sit on Santa's lap, he crawled over and started barking.  This one never breaks character...
I thought Iris would like to talk to Santa and maybe Peach wouldn't cry if she was there too :)

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