Monday, January 16, 2012


Last week was sooo hectic!  Between waking up at 5:40am to work out every day, and staying up late pulling things together for my 10 year high school reunion so we can start selling tickets, I'm completely exhausted.  Then there was all the little things that crept in- watching kids for a friend, accompanying on piano for a friend in church on Sunday, a meeting about this years' Relief Society Weeknight Meetings, my monthly book club meeting and having my 2 best buds for dinner for our monthly "Dine-O-Round", I am officially taking a hiatus, until I feel like it.

I just need a couple of weeks to pull together some of my organizational projects I've decided to do to help streamline my life, but I need some start-up time to get them going.  I'll hopefully share about those once they're in motion and working.  (i hope...)

Don't worry, my kids will still be cute when I get back.

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