Thursday, February 9, 2012

FHE New Year Commitment

I started another blog last September, hoping if I had to "report" my reading somehow, I would be better at reading my scriptures every day.  

WELL, it didn't really work. Turns out that having to read AND say something insightful about it
every day.

BUT I have been better about having better planned Family Home Evening (FHE) on Monday nights, since the New Year started and it has been a great success- that is to say, it's been fun and a great way to talk about small gospel things that I think would help our family be more harmonious and stay close.

Today, The Frog asked me if we could have Family Home Evening tonight! :)  

For any of you who would like to start the habit, you can get some ideas from what we've done this year so far.  Keep in mind, my "lessons" are for 1 and 3 year olds.  And note that we sing "Once There Was A Snowman" for our opening song every week.  Even Peach knows how to "fall down" at the end.  (and in fact does it as soon as we start the melting part.  It's adorable!)
 Last FHE was about The Creation and we "created" some sugar cookies for a treat.  These aren't pictures from FHE but Peach earned a cookie and The Frog didn't, but he convinced her to share with him and it was just too cute not to take pictures.

If you have any FHE suggestions or activities you've done that worked great, I'd love to hear them here or on my other blog.  Thanks!

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