Friday, April 27, 2012

Unique Week

What a week we've just had!  We've been having crazy warm weather- warm enough for popsicles, swim suits and sunscreen!  We also recently bought a "death contraption", i.e. a trampoline, so it's been extra fun to play outside.  It even got warm enough for "swimming" in polar hose water in the blow-up pool for a few days.

Of course, I have pictures of none of this.  Only one, as per The Frog's request.

I must try and get out the camera more.  I'm just out of the habit after my slug-month.

Besides the weather being unusually summery, my little sister was in town for a wedding and came down to spend the day with us.

Again.  I have not even ONE picture.

I was very surprised at how much more gentle The Frog was with my 1 year old niece than he is with Peach.  It gives me hope that maybe he's maturing and this is just a phase?  Or maybe it's just because she's not his sister...

Thursday, I watched my brother's kids while my sister-in-law went to women's conference.  I admit I was pretty nervous about having two more little boys in the house (I had 4 kids in diapers all day long...) but it ended up being surprisingly easy. (I suppose it helps that I didn't plan on getting anything done too)
Peach spent a lot of time in baby A's carseat, which I find hilarious because it used to be hers, when she was a baby, and she always detested it.
Cousin S was awesome at keeping himself entertained and The Frog and he even played together.  It was so cool!  I guess I need to have friends of The Frog's over more often...  He was so distracted by his cousin that I barely had to break up fights between he and Peach.
The Frog munching on a treat from Cousin S's lunchbox
While making dinner, I put the kids on the sofa in front of the iPad.  Cousin S quickly got bored and went back outside to play, and Peach never watches TV for long.  I couldn't believe it, but about 10 minutes before dinner was ready, I noticed The Frog like this on the sofa.
He slept ALL NIGHT long, without dinner.

Even MORE unbelievably, he did the same thing the next night on our way home from eating dinner out!

This was truly a unique week!

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