Jay now gets to be a cube! (which won't happen again until he's 64...) And I now get to feel like I'm only 1 year older than he is for a few months...
I feel like his birthday was a huge let down- for me... I spent a lot of time thinking about it and had all these plans and most of them just fell through. I also forgot to take pictures of most of what did go on, but here are some I had the wherewithal enough to remember to get:
The Frog, of course, wanted to put on the candles. I tried to get him to group them into 2 and 7, but he wanted them evenly spaced and wouldn't stop after just 9. So Jay got 2+7+1 to grow on.They must have all really wanted daddy to get his wish!
I thought I'd include one present pic- this is Jay after opening an envelope that contains an envelope that reads:
Herein lies the sex of baby McCarthy #3. I bestow upon you the privilege and responsibility of doing with this information as you see fit. Signed,
Rest assured, if I find out the gender, you will too. :)
I love you honey! I feel so robbed that I didn't get to know you during the first 21 years of your life. The last 6 have been amazing!