Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lemishine Shout-out

Can I just say, I'm soooo sick of dealing with super hard water?  I grew up in a home with a water softener and I had no idea how much easier it was to keep things clean.

I had it so good...

My mom just told me about Lemishine for your dishes.  This stuff is A.MAZ.ING!  I use about half the Cascade I use to and then just add a little smidgey shake of Lemishine and voila!  Check out the difference after just one wash:
Need I say more?


  1. I love LemiShine. The dishwasher repair guy told me about it months ago and I remembered it after I was getting sick of all the hard water film on my dishes. It cleaned off the film on my dishes and on my dishwasher racks. So awesome. :)

  2. I am buying immediately. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am so with you on the hard water. We were so glad to find lemishine!

  4. Thanks for the Lemi Shine love Libby! Would love to send you some of our other products to try. Shoot me your address if you would like them.

    Dustin Bryson
    Marketing Director
