Monday, November 12, 2012

Warning: Cute Overload

I'm feeling guilty because even though Hazel is now 19 days old, I feel like I've hardly taken any pictures of her, mostly because I haven't had any "photo shoots". Here are some phone and camera pics I have managed to get.
She sleeps in the bouncer on the kitchen table quite frequently.  I am AMAZED at the commotion she is able to sleep through.  I supposed she had a lot of practice in the womb.

The real camera was already in the car when we put her in the carseat (for the first time) at the hospital.  I picked this outfit because it's the smallest one I own, but I'm regretting it because I think it makes her look like a boy.
I love these elephant ears.  My other newborns heads always flopped around and looked like they were going to break their necks!  I wanted to buy one so I could try to copy it and make some to give away :)

Her pirate face
When not swaddled, her hands always end up by her face.  I love that her arms are too short to touch the top of her own head.  Babies are so funny lookin' :)

I'm pretty sure this is what she looked like most of the time in my belly.
It appears she inherited my affinity for hang nails.  Sorry sweetheart...

Don't you just want to nibble on those toes?!
If I had the time, I would just spend hours watching her sleep.  They make the funniest faces.

Smile preview :)
Hazel's first bath at home

She has super super dry skin and doesn't enjoy  the lotion application...

She is so stinkin' cute when she sleeps!


  1. Love all the updates. Baby girl is so cute! I think it looks like you've done a good job with pictures-- there's a lot of precious pictures. Wish we could see her!

  2. Libby!

    She is beautiful. Congratulations on your growing family! We need to catch up (once you are at a point you are getting more sleep :))

    The dermatologist in me needs to say, if she has dry skin, no lotions! Creams and ointments are far better. Lotions have alot of ETOH which makes the dry quickly and actually take more moisture out of the skin than they put in. We recommend (fragrance free) Aveeno, Cerave, Eucrin, Aquaphor, Cetaphil... Always apply after baths too.
    Miss you and much love!
