Saturday, January 19, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas was so fun this year.  We're still a young enough family that we're trying to decide what our traditions should be, and since our kids are really loving donuts lately, I thought it might be fun to try making some for a special Christmas breakfast.  (Normally, our kids aren't allowed treats until after lunch).  I made this donut recipe for Christmas breakfast.  SOOOO GOOD.  The glaze was much richer than your typical powdered sugar and milk also.  YUM!  I made the dough the night before and let it rise in the bowl overnight in the fridge.  Then I pulled the bowl out of the fridge while we went through our stockings.  Then we all rolled and cut them out and let them raise while we opened presents.  The timing was perfect!  We had dinner with our neighbors.  I'm getting really good at rolls... I'll share after a few more experiments :)  Some pics below:

Singing a Christmas hymn before opening presents
The Frog found the pickle ornament this year!

anticipating his pickle prize- green tic tacs (they look like pickles, right?)

Peach riding on Hazel's gift from Nanie & Gampie, wearing a gift sent from Iris

Frying doughnuts

glazed mmmmm

kids wanted sprinkles

whipped cream filling. mmmmmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Libby! I'm impressed you are making homemade bread and donuts with a new baby! You are amazing. And, I have to tell you that my aunt gave us a pickle ornament a year or so ago and we still need to really start that fun tradition. I love the tic-tacs idea! Glad you had a good Christmas! Now time for me to get to work and update our blog!
