Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Emergency Preparedness Month!

I was looking at my calendar, and apparently (probably last September when I was doing crazy nesting things) I decided February would be Emergency Preparedness month!

ok.  let's do it!

So, I thought I'd share some of the emergency preparedness things I learned during my nesting episode last fall.

# 1:  I found an awesome site the helps you learn about emergency preparedness and also tons of recipes to help you rotate through it.  Turns out, if you bake with powdered milk/buttermilk and powdered eggs, you actually save money!  I'm not the type to drink powdered milk or eat powdered eggs as scrambled eggs for breakfast, but I've done quite a bit of experimenting the last few months and in most cases for baked goods, and even some cooked foods, you cannot tell when you substitute powdered milk for regular, etc.

So, if you are at all interested in storing extra food to be prepared in case of emergency/disaster/job loss or you would like to save money and time cooking for your family, you should totally check out Everyday Food Storage.

#2: I also found this cool "meal in a jar" idea from Chef Tess Bakeresse that I haven't explored at all yet, but have been meaning to.  Check it out!  I can see it being a great way to throw dinner on the table super fast, when you don't have anything planned.

anyone else know of any other great sources?

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