Friday, April 19, 2013

Baby Food Friday: Butternut Squash

I wish squash was more in season, but it's such a great baby food, I had to make it anyway.   I love butternut, but you can also use acorn squash or any other fall squash the same way.
1) Preheat oven to 400.  (and then change a diaper...)
2) Cut squash in half.  (then wash some sticky hands)
3) Scoop out and throw away the seeds.
4)  Place squash face down in a baking dish and fill with an inch of water
5)  Bake for 40 minutes to an hour (I did an hour) or until fork tender.
6)  Let cool until you have time to deal with it.
7)  Scoop out with a spoon the insides and puree in a food processor or blender.
(here are the leftover skins)
8) Put in ice cube trays wrapped w/ plastic wrap and freeze.
9) At your convenience, move them to a labeled freezer-bag.

This one squash made 25 servings.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, I'm loving these Friday baby food posts. I made baby food for CJ, and some for ED. I want to do it more again for MR, but you have more knowledge and more variety than I ever had, so I will be referencing these when we get to that point in a couple months. Thanks! :)
