Friday, April 26, 2013

Baby Food Friday: Peas

Peas Please!  These are super easy and quick, because I use frozen ones.  And I prefer petite peas, because they are sweeter than regular-old ones.
 1) Dump some frozen petite peas in a microwave save dish (with a lid).  (I did about 10 oz)
 2) Add 1/4" of water to the bottom and put on lid.
3) Microwave 2 minutes.  Stir.  Microwave 2 more minutes.  (you could even do this right before dinner, and eat some of them, saving the rest for baby food!)
4) Puree in food processor/blender & spread in ice cube trays.
5) Freeze and place in labeled zip-top bag for your convenience.

Notice, I didn't do very many because peas are such a great finger food.  As you can see, each cube is about an ounce, so you can weigh out how many peas you want, depending how many servings you want.


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