Monday, July 22, 2013

Massachusetts Trip: First Weekend at the Lake

Brace yourselves... I had a hard time narrowing down which pictures to post.  If you can believe it, the ones I've chosen are only a fraction of the ones I took while on our trip.  We had SUCH a great time and we are so grateful to Jay's parents for letting us overtake their home and lives for 2 weeks.  By the end, it was clear that the kids needed to sleep in their own beds and we hope those couple of days of crankiness won't be the only thing they remember about our visit...

SO.  Jay always speaks of his fond memories of spending weekends at their "lake house" (I think it's more of a cottage...) growing up and he was determined for us to spend as much time as possible out there.  So we landed late Tuesday night, (June 25th) and went to the lake the next morning.
 It was so very humid this first weekend - raining about once a day.  (I have learned in weather like this, time spend on doing my hair is time wasted, so no judging people...)  BUT the weather was very pleasant, and not as hot as it usually is!
 Hazel was completely enthralled by Mickey-the-dog.  She would furiously army-crawl to try and catch her, all the while looking like she really really wanted to get a little taste of her fur.  Mickey was very suspicious of Hazel the whole time...
In all the years we've been married, I think this is the first time we really tried spending any time at the beach- we usually only swim and play around by the house.
 We walked to the beach (which is almost directly opposite where we are on the lake) and the mosquitoes are killer (says my legs and arms after that trek) so we gave Hazel a sweatband and a hat doused in bug repellant to wear.  It seems to have worked too!
 Not sure what she thinks of the cool water...
 Making a river...
 My sister-in-law K has awesomely thick hair... (so do my nieces... I pray my kids will get those genes, and not mine!)  She was kind enough to let me play with it during down time each day :)
Jay's family was kind enough to welcome my sister and her family for a few days at the lake too!  It is sooo nice to get extended time with the cousins, especially since we usually only get to see them once a year.
Hazel feeling more pleased with the water this time.  Perhaps she was before concerned about not being properly dressed for the occasion :)
 K has become quite the swimmer over the last few years!  I can't believe how grown-up she has become lately...
 Girl-bonding time...
 boy-bonding time...
 sistah-bonding time...

 As you can see, not forcing Peach to take naps the first few days eventually caught up with her, and she fell asleep on the sofa, right amid all the ruckus!
 My sister got a fishing license while she was there for the express purpose of trying to fish!  (which I've never done at the lake...) and she even caught something! :)
 We all had fun jumping off the raft.  I just love the mid-jumping pictures :)

 Peach doesn't enjoy being forced into the water...
but she usually gets over it :)
 We don't usually go out to visit Jay's family while it's still June, and this time, we caught the tail-end of the Laurel blooms the lake is named after!  It was so pretty, looking out at the little white blossoms everywhere!
 We even got a bit of a rainbow!
 Hi, Mickey!

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