Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Peach!

I can't believe it but last 2 Fridays ago, Peach turned 3!!!  I'm not ready to hand her over to preschool, entirely, so a few of my neighbors and I are going to do a little co-op preschool amongst ourselves.  I'm really excited!

She said she wanted pink cupcakes with sprinkles that taste like strawberry, so I made cupcakes with sprinkles for her, and made a mini cake with the other half of the recipe.  (I admit it was purely selfish- cake is so much faster than cupcakes, and I don't enjoy sprinkles...)
You can see, The Frog wanted to put the candles on (after Peach picked which ones she wanted) and he shoved the 4-inch candles in so only 1 inch was poking out... I tried to "fix" them- hence the frosting smear on their bottoms.  Probably I should have just left it alone.
I love this picture!
I think this is the first birthday cake I've made since The Frog was born that he didn't try to help blow out the candles.  Both of them are getting so big!
Grandma and Grandpa both came down for her birthday dinner of Macaroni and Cheese (which I tweaked with some addable, shredded, raw zucchini- I really liked it!) but I was too busy to take many pictures...

Anyway, I asked her and asked her about what she wanted for her birthday, and all she would say is, "A baby, but Nanie is getting me that!" And did she ever...

Happy Birthday Peach!!  Your humor and sweetness are needed additions for our family.

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