Monday, September 23, 2013

Phone Pics...

I'm not sure what happened... last week just came and went!  I had some posts I was meaning put up, but I still haven't uploaded my camera photos and it's late (I'm scheduling this post for tomorrow morning), and I'd like to go to bed, but I was talking on the phone late to Jay (who is in Boston now, and was gone all last week) and my battery was dying, so I plugged my phone into my computer and it uploaded photos from my phone.  

I thought I'd do a quick recap...
 a cute shot of The Frog who fell asleep with his legs hanging off the sofa while reading this book.  Must have been a real page-turner...
 I made these stickers for these flashlights that we gave to our YW for girls' camp.  The theme was "Stand".
 I don't remember where this was...  probably just out for one of our walks in the neighborhood, but I thought Hazel looked so cute and relaxed, lounging all skeewampus with her leg hanging over the edge like that.  Maybe you had to be there...
 This was me trying to capture our fun Family Home Evening lesson where we had a pizza dinner on the Provo Temple grounds and talked about temples.  (which our kids, and we, really loved!)  I have a feeling the kodak moment was gone by the time I pulled out my phone.  (the older kids loved running to the fountain and back while they ate)
 Went for another one of our neighborhood walks one day and this was going on.  Apparently, there are some places that don't have sprinklers and they get irrigation water or something.  I can't believe that this happens once a week only a couple of blocks from our house and I had no idea after living here for 5 years!!
 A bunch of neighborhood kids were already there playing in it.  This is Peach trying to hide the fact that she wet her pants...
I'm starting to notice a pattern... perhaps The Frog's feet enjoy the freeing sensation of falling while he sleeps?
 One day, Hazel just woke up from her nap really early and we were having leftovers for dinner that night, so I thought it would be fun to just spontaneously go on a quick "hike" (this is paved and very short) to Bridal Veil Falls, which is super close to our house and stroller (and bike) friendly.
 It ended up being such a fun little excursion!
 Peach likes to make sure her baby is strapped into her carseat properly.  She will not allow us to leave unless the arms and legs are coming out in the right places.
 This is the kids playing on the playground at The Frog's new preschool (at BYU) on "getting-to-know-you" day where he met his teacher, class pets, and familiarized himself with the classroom.  They have tons of these awesome tricycles there!
We were invited to go have dinner at one of Jay's colleague's homes after The Frog's birthday party, when we were completely DRENCHED in rain!  This is me trying to take a picture in the Costco parking lot (after getting gas) of the people sloshing through water almost to their KNEES!  Thank goodness this didn't happen during his party!
 This was a random silly pic I took on my phone to text Jay and make him wish he was home with cute us, instead of at a boring CS conference in St. Louis. ;)
 I actually tried combing The Frog's hair before church, just for fun (I usually just try to keep it so short I don't have to bother with it...) and I thought he'd make a super-cute Dennis the Mennace :)  His hair doesn't enjoy being parted, though, and it went back to scraggly and moppish soon thereafter.
 Peach wanted me to take a picture of her too, after taking one of The Frog
But everyone kept moving and I couldn't get a good one.

And that's it!  The spur-of-the-moment events that have happened since I last uploaded photos from my phone (July).

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