Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kid Conversation

Christmas Eve.  The Frog and Peach are having a sleep-over.

me:  So, kids.  Tomorrow is Christmas, which means I want to make sure you know what is going to happen...  What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
me: no.
The Frog: Open Jesus's present?
me: no.
me: nobody is to go downstairs until mommy and daddy are awake.  I want you both to go to the bathroom, and Peach, please put on underpants.  I will leave the iPad upstairs for you to watch movies in the morning until we wake up, ok?
Peach: But!!!  What if an ornament falls off the tree and breaks?!  Or if a stocking falls down?!
me: nobody is to go downstairs until mommy and daddy wake up!

Looking forward to sleeping in this Christmas.  :)

Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love Peach's comment :)

    Merry Christmas, McCarthy Family!
