I haven't been posting much, mostly because I haven't been taking any pictures! We're just not doing anything particularly special or fun lately... BUT the kids have been saying all kinds of hilarious stuff and I'm kicking myself for not writing down more of them. It can be pretty funny living with all these crazy kids...
It's been long enough now, that I can't remember what I was doing... making dinner? and Peach and The Frog run through the room I'm in, wearing only their underwear chanting:
Peach and The Frog in unison: If you're naaked you're fuuuuuuunny, if you're fuunny you're naaaaaaked! If you're .....
over and over. where they got this from, I have no idea. (but they're kind of right?!)
That. is. awesome. And true! And least when you're five and three. :)