Friday, February 27, 2015


Hazel has been talking really well since we moved to New York, and I just realized today that I haven't been documenting her speech very well... (oh wait.  I haven't been documenting anything....) which really doesn't matter, except The Frog loves it when I tell him the funny ways he used to say things, and I know I'm not going to remember if I don't write some of them down.

When I started trying to write this post, I couldn't think of anything she says incorrectly because, in my mind, she has been completely fluent in English since she was 2.  After trying harder to pay more attention, I realized how wrong I was... Really, I've just become fluent in toddler and I hardly notice it now.  So here are some of my Hazel-speak favorites:

mish-a-low = marshmallow
hippo. pawmus = hippopotamus
mato = tomato
atten = pretend
can I do game? = can I either use a kid app or send jibberish texts to your friends?
duff = stuff
seeyol = cereal  (this is often one of the first things I hear from her every day.  "mama, I wan some seeyol. pweeeeez.")
poon = spoon
pah-koo = sparkles
packpack = backpack
pwentzo = pretzel
pah-koles = sparkles
peshel = special
pie-yip = pirate (and when she's being a pie-yip, she walks around saying "aw" instead of "arrrr")

I will probably add more as I notice them...

Also, Hazel has learned to be emphatic when she is especially adamant about something she is saying- her favorite being to scrunch up her face and emphatically say "NOTHING!!"
As in
me: Do you want to nap in your big girl bed or your crib?
Hazel: NOTHING!!

She also knows that zero is nothing, and is pleased to tell you when she notices an "O" or a "0".

Also, I'm amazed to say that she already recognizes all the letters in the alphabet (at least the capitals) and I swear I didn't teach her a thing.  She is also the one most excited about homeschooling - probably because she wants to do whatever her siblings are doing.  Even though we didn't start anything with the others until they turned 3, we have a mini routine we do with her to keep her happy - which is how I discovered she already knows the alphabet!

Jay's mom gave Hazel a baby Cinderella last Summer, and back then she called it "baby Lala".  She now can say "Cinella" but we still call the baby "Lala".  She decided to get another one with some Valentine's money from Nanie and so now she has a "baby Lala" and a "baby Wawa" (Aurora) which I constantly confuse with what babies refer to for "water" and she's always getting mad at me about the misunderstanding.

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