I have too many pictures.
We had to change the way we stored them all last year about this time, and that's part of the reason I haven't been posting as many pictures during this last year. I finally took the initiative to go back through all my pictures from the last year and get the ones that I would like to remember so that I can put them here. Hopefully they'll all make it and I'll be able to remember what was going on at the time... Stay tuned for some picture-heavy posts.
These next pics feel like a life-time ago (sigh, I miss our turquoise bathroom...). It's funny to see me with hair so straight and short.
Anyway, my mother-in-law knows I like to tinker with clothes, and gave me some quality collared shirts from someone's wardrobe.
It's just a thin black plaid, if you can't tell. Nothing special about it. Just a collared, button-down shirt.
This is by no means a well-done tutorial. I never really know what I'm doing, so I don't think to photograph every step since I'm not sure if it will be a good one :) I forgot to photograph the next few steps but I just put it on inside-out and put pins in my sides to give the body more shape and show off my waist better (which I super need to off-set my super-flat chest).
Then I cut off the collar and cut off the sleeves just above the shoulder seam.
collar cut about 1/2" above the second button |
Then I shortened the sleeves to be short (it's been awhile, but I'm pretty sure I tried to copy another shirt with sleeves I liked. In retrospect, it would be easier not to cut them off and sew them back on, I would just shorten them since this shirt isn't THAT big on me. You only want to do this if the shoulder seams are off your shoulder). Then I sewed the sleeves back on from armpit to armpit (going over the shoulder) and then ran a seam where the pins were at my sides all the way to the sleeves. I never even trimmed the excess off, so I could adjust it later if I needed to. (though I never did.) I used the extra fabric from the sleeves to cut strips about 1.5" wide, pressed in half and then, well, look at the pic... (Can you tell I've never taken a real sewing class? I don't know any fancy names for anything. Sorry!)
I pinned it to the neck and sleeves.
Sewed the border on the neck and sleeves. Note that I cannot unbutton the shirt all the way anymore. I unbutton all the others when I put it on and slip it over my head. It works fine, but this is no longer able to be put on like a traditional button-down. After sewing on the embellishment, I pressed it and top-stitched to get it to lay right.
The bow was an after-thought. I took one of the cuffs from the sleeve and tied a knot in the middle. If you look closely, you can see the button-hold on the left side of it.
The bow is just safety pinned on in this shot, because I wasn't sure if I'd still like it and if it would wash well. I take it off when I wash the shirt.
I hate being in photos alone... |
I'm actually wearing this shirt right now with a mustard cardi and different belt. It's one of my favorites because it's long and hides my kangaroo pouch pretty well :)