Saturday, March 14, 2015

I <3 pi

I love math and I love to bake and I love to eat baked goods, so Pi day is definitely my favorite fake holiday :)

In case you've been living under a rock and don't know why this is the best Pi day you will ever experience...

pi or π, is just a ratio.  Take any circle or cylinder - your favorite can of soup? and measure around the circumference.  Write that down. Now, measure across the circle - the diameter.  Write that down.  Now get out a calculator, if you're math averse or paper and pencil if math is your super-power.  Take the first number and divide by the second and you should get π.

π = 3.14159265359.....

Something else magical?  It goes on forever and never repeats.

So, today is special because the date is 3/14.  (3.14  get it?)

But hold the phone because we get a March 14th every year...  This year is the best one in the lifetime of pretty much everyone you know because the date is 3/14/15. (so do something awesome at 9:27)  Cool right?

I admit it- I'm completely jealous of all those people who go to be at the truest pi day ever - 3/14/1592 at 6:54 AM.

Anyway, this year, I have decided to start a new twist on the tradition in which we not only eat pie on pi day, but we break our family rule of "no treats before lunch" and have pie for breakfast to forever commemorate our experiencing this pi day of our lives.

What can I say, math brings out my rebellious side :)


  1. Oh, how I admire your math nerdy-ness! It makes me happy!:)

  2. We totally went to a pi party yesterday and ate it at 9:26 am! It rocked!!

  3. We had quiche. It is just scrambled egg pie, if you think about it. I love Pi Day.

  4. Libby, I learn the coolest things from you! I never knew what Pi day was all about and now I do. What a freaking AWESOME tradition to eat pie for breakfast on Pi day, I'll join you next year. And just to make you feel better (and you probably already know this because you're a math whiz), while mankind has been toying around with trying to discover Pi for about 4,000 years (think early Egyptians), the formula itself wasn't refined until sometime mid-16th century, so all those people who lived on 3/14/1592 at 6:54 a.m. were probably completely oblivious to the significance of the day!

  5. By the way, your kids are adorable!
