Monday, October 19, 2015

Kid Conversation

We read the scriptures as a family every morning.  It would be kind of entertaining, if I could just remove myself from the pain of getting everyone to cooperate.  The Frog reads really fast and really quiet, so it's hard to understand him.  Peach sounds out every word with painstaking care.  Hazel just repeats what I say.  We just finished reading the New Testament Stories and decided to tackle the "real thing", especially since The Frog will have the opportunity to decide if he wants to be baptized once he turns 8 (in less than 1 year). We think it is important that he actually read the Book of Mormon for himself to help him make a decision.

Anyway, time for the funny part.  (In case you care, we are reading 1 Nephi chapter 3 verse 3)

Me: For behold,
Hazel: Fowah behold,
Me: Laban hath the record
Hazel: Laban hath the wehcoad
Me: of the Jews
Hazel: Hey!  Like Apple Juice!

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