Sunday, July 30, 2017

Kid Conversation

We had friends from church over to play one morning last week.  M. (a girl) is Peach's age and E. (a boy) is Hazel's age.

Hazel has mentioned E. often, such as one time when we bought her new church shoes and once the purchase was finalized she exclaimed, "I can't wait to show them to E.!".  E. often has gifts for Hazel, every time they get together whether it be at church or at one of our homes- usually random things he's made out of paper- my favorite being a piece of paper with scribbles on it, folded in half and clearly cut with scissors, which was supposed to be a sleeping bag for her Lala Loopsie toy.  It's very sweet.

Well, this particular time, E. and Hazel ran off together and I barely noticed them while I chatted with their mom for over an hour.  After our friends left, I questioned Hazel:

Me: Wow, I didn't really see you and E. at all.  What were you two doing together?
Hazel: Oh, we were just talking about how great it is to be a McCarthy and a Hillam (his last name).  Right now I'm a McCarthy, but one day, when I'm older, I'll be a Hillam.
Me: **raised eyebrows** Oh really?  How are you going to do that?
Hazel: Well, when I'm 5 3/4, I'll just move my carseat into his car.

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