Monday, April 9, 2018

Kid Conversation- Toad's first!

Toad had his first kid conversation a couple weeks ago!  He doesn't say much, yet, and will very distinctly say something and then never say it again (like he pointed right at some cheese and said, "cheese" very clearly, one time) but this one is a regular and it is so cute!

So, Toad really likes shoes.  He likes to have me put his on.  He likes to put on mine.  The other day, he slipped on a pair of mine, while already wearing his own!!

When Toad wants to go outside (which is more often than I do), he brings me my boots.  On this particular occasion, though, he not only brought them to me but said,


doesn't that just make you want to squish him?!  love. that. boy.

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