Sunday, December 13, 2020

Kid Conversation, It's all about perspective

 The end of the day.  Feeling desperate to get the 4-year old in pajamas, I opened the drawer and my innards crumpled in preparation for what was coming.  The only ones left were the new firetruck pajamas Toad refuses to even try on.  My will for an evening of peace and quiet overcomes me and I pull out the dreaded pjs, trying to distract him with conversation while I sneak them over his head.  He notices.

Toad: Mom! Not these ones!

me: Why not? You haven't even tried them on yet!  And, they're the only ones left!

Toad: I DON'T LIKE firetrucks!

me: How can you not like firetrucks?  They're basically like water-shooting, robot dragons!

Toad: (rolling his eyes) No they aren't, they can't even FLY!

The Frog: Earth dragons can't fly either.

me: Good point!  Land-roving, water-shooting, robot dragon pjs! Yeah!

Toad: [considering this] ... ok fine...


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