Thursday, December 2, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021

usical Janet blesses our home daily with some much needed calming piano serenades.
Crafty Hazel (9) solemnly swears she is up to no good. (And finally got baptized this year!)
Creations by Toad (5) never cease to amaze- whether made from plastic shapes, magnetic blocks or good ol’ masking tape we never know what he’ll come up with next!
A--------  (Rose) (1) continues to be spoiled & adored by all; we love hearing her latest vocabulary achievements and watching her dance. 
Reach, Jay’s company, is expanding and thriving!  He is so busy-  teaching, programming, podcasting, getting interviewed, “Zooming”, making breakfast, weightlifting, playing with the kids, watching F-1 races, and reading!
Teenage The Frog (13) got reading glasses, which help him see much better to play Minecraft and finish writing his first fantasy novel.
Horseback riding is Peach's (11) latest new endeavor, when she’s not reading or singing and dancing around the house.
Yes- Libby is pregnant again- baby #6 due in April!  It’s a boy! 

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