Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hiatus Explanation part II

Well, I've done it again. I knew the breaks would be if not consistent in spacing, consistent in existence. Such is life, but for good reason (once again). No, I didn't get married again , but I did plan a surprise trip to visit my new hubby for the weekend, which sort of took up my scant free time. (Getting ahead on homework and planning a conspiracy preventing him from becoming privy to my arrival was more work than I had anticipated). I had an excellent (if I do say so myself), very elaborate plan worked out so that things I needed would be picked up and passed along to someone else, who would then pick me up from the airport. Meanwhile, I had even arranged for someone to meet with him during the window of time I would need to arrive at his place and decorate his apartment with homemade signs, balloons, etc etc. It was perfect! Nothing could go wrong!

Alas, the weather foiled me in Chicago... my 1 hour lay-over turned into 5, and my plans were in need of severe alterations. I gave in and gave away my secret behind tears in a rainy airport, once I realized that my 8:30pm arrival was becoming a post-midnight arrival. Since I was going for surprise and not heart-attack, I thought it was a good idea to alert him to the late-night guest he should be expecting. Though now, I'm a bit curious as to what would have happened if an unannounced being snuck into bed with him in the night...

Anyway, I told him that my plans had been foiled and that I would call him to pick me up from the airport once I had arrived. However, a stroke of genius hit somewhere over New York, and I instead called a friend to my rescue. I found myself tip-toeing through Jay's small apartment, wishing his AC was running to muffle all the creaks from his floor and my feet, while setting up my original plan. Turns out, he's a much heavier sleeper than I give him credit for (which I should have caught on to when I accidentally popped a balloon outside his apartment) and I am more competent as ninja than previously supposed. After carefully hanging punny signs, laying out desserts, and lighting some candles, he awoke to the sound of his girl through the mouth of his cell-phone. It was quite entertaining to be able to hear his sleepy voice in-person and through my phone just outside his cracked apartment door. I will treasure the cute "just out of bed and pleasantly surprised" look on his face when he discovered me behind his door. (just wish I had my camera ready...) If all toiling was just to see that, 'twas completely worth it. We had a lovely weekend of no-stress, no homework, and no responsibility and I have paid for the neglect ever since leaving his arms - but I'd do it again if it weren't for the grad-student pay-check on which I live.

Anyway, I'm officially caught up and thought I'd fill you (all 3 of you) in. I hope you derive pleasure from my efforts :)


  1. I do derive pleasure from your efforts and I only have one question. Who is your old hubby?

  2. just because someone has a new something, does not imply they had an old one... after all, everyone must acquire any given thing for the first time, making it their new X w/out ever having an old one.

    QED :)

  3. hahaha, I just realized that there is another Jay McCarthy with a blogspot blog... and I initially linked to his blog (jaymccarthy) instead of MY Jay's (jay-mccarthy). So your comment about having multiple hubbies was relevant without you realizing...
