Other than that, we have had very little excitement around here. Our neighbors are still stopping by with gifts and food and we just can't believe how thoughtful and generous our neighborhood is. They are surely making our "baby adjustment" much easier.

Our garden is really flourishing now. We have tons of tomatoes in several varieties and we have soooooo many pears we don't know what to do with them all! So far we have 12 bottles of pears (and will do 12 more- thanks mom!), pear honey, apple-pear sauce (we have an apple tree as well) ad several large sheets of pear leather. Perhaps I should look into getting a food dehydrator...
Any pear recipes (especially ones that freeze well) that anyone would like to share would be fantastic right about now... OR feel free to stop by and take a few (or a lot) home with you. :)

The Frog is a greeaat sleeper during the day (notice the button impression on his cheek from leaning on me- this kid can fall asleep in almost any position, as long as he's being held.) but hasn't been sleeping as well at night (and therefore neither have I) and so we finally decided to give in and let him sleep in the "big bed" with me. Man, what an improvement! I still feel like I could sleep at a moment's notice, but I don't feel grumpy today, and I can cover the huge bags under my eyes with makeup again! I think The Frog slept much better too because he was awake for a four-hour stretch this morning!! Perhaps it was to commemorate his third week of life and the last day of September. Man, I can't believe how the time flies!