Sunday, September 14, 2008

Historical Week, Extension

It seems I spoke too soon when summarizing our historical week because we have officially extended the dates of significant events for the Utah-McCarthy's. As some of you may have heard (and hence the posting hiatus) we had an unexpected, but pleasant surprise of the early arrival of our little man!

Sunday, the 7th, I started having contractions and got very little sleep all night. The next day, upon realizing that this was probably actually labor, and not just frequent, painful, Braxton Hicks contractions, I spent the day frantically washing sheets and clothes and reading the car-seat manual, so that we would be ready for our little bundle of joy when he got here.

Jay got home from work and we tried to wait it out at home as long as possible, before going to the hospital.  We finally arrived there at about 6:45pm and I was a bit annoyed to find myself at a mere 4 (out of 10) cm dilated, but very glad that I got to have Jay with me for the rest of my labor.  Almost 8 hours later, without medication, our boy came at 2:32am- 7 pounds 11 ounces and 20 inches long and he wasn't going to wait for anyone.  Our doctor was performing a C-section right as I became fully dilated and the peanut just about came out before the doc arrived!

Needless to say, we are completely thrilled!

It's funny, you can't really know how much you're going to love them until they get here, and you also can't really explain why.  In the words of Jay, "he looks like a mixture between a monkey and a peanut.  and a raisin." and we just love every little wrinkle and uncontrolled facial expression.  I even think his pee smells good.

Everything is going really well.  I feel pretty good, just a bit sleep-deprived (which was expected) and Jack seems to be really great at doing what babies do best- eat, sleep, poop and cry.  And his cry is so cute too.  Yeah, we're pretty much completely enamored by him.

Jay and I have been taking pictures of my belly for the past 9 months-ish and Jay has put all the shots into a fun slide-show.  It looks like we've not only had a very historical week, but a pretty significant past year.  Enjoy!

One final word- we've decided not to call him by his proper name online.  If he wants to be identified on the inter-web, we'll let him expose his true identity himself.  Due to his little frog-legs, mouth and frequent froggy hiccups, we've decided to refer to him as "the frog".  :)


  1. Libby and Jay! Congratulations you two! He is an adorable chunky little thing :) I love reading your blog!

  2. Congratulations!! He is adorable, I am so, so happy for you! Little boys are the best :) Thanks for sharing, I love reading your blog.

    Oh, and as for James' little tie (isn't that the cutest thing??) it actually belonged to my brother when HE was a baby, so I am not sure where to get one. I have seen some toddler-size ones in stores (like at Walmart or Target), but not the little tiny ones. Anyway, I'm sure you could find one somewhere. Congrats again!

  3. Wow, the slide-show was awesome! I only wish I could be as beautiful as you were when I'm pregnant one day. Happiness for the McCarthys!

  4. We're jealous that he sucks his thumb. Hank just won't suck his bink or thumb. Lately, he's taken to his fist, though he might suffocate himself someday. Your frog is cute, and I thought the same thing with ours, but luckily, he's only gotten cuter. Congrats.

  5. Jay's a Mariah fan, huh? Well, we're just jealous that he sucks his thumb. Hank has finally started sucking his fist, but only as he's falling asleep at night.

  6. k, so you don't have to publish both, I was wondering why it didn't publish the first time. I thought I hit the wrong button or something. Anyway, congrats...for a third time.

  7. but if i post all three, at a glance, people may think that i have lots of readers :D

  8. The frog is so cute. I can't get over those cheeks. Congrats. Glad to see you guys doing well.

  9. SO CUTE!!! i made my roommate watch it with me the second time :D

    i miss you too lib! we should skype soon !! :D

  10. He is adorable. I can't wait to see him. I'm taking my blog private so post your email on my blog in the next little bit.
