We have a peony plant that was being attacked by another and several of the blossoms had broken stems by the time my mom and I rescued it. I decided to try to save them by bringing them inside. I don't know what it is, but I just LOVE having fresh flowers around- especially these! For some reason, they make me want to plan another wedding. :) Wouldn't this make a great center-piece?
I also finally got our garden planted- very late. I wish I had been more on the ball and started some of the cooler weather veggies, but I did manage to get corn, 3 kinds of pumpkin, butternut squash, basil, parsley, chard, beets, carrots, and interestingly enough, I've had some volunteer tomatoes pop up like crazy from last years harvest. I'm going to try to nurse them and see if they'll fruit before the frost this fall. We'll see...
The Frog has been very patient with me, just exploring the yard and tasting all the rocks while I get my work done.
I wish I looked that cute in hats :)
aren't peonies SOOO fun?! I love them too. I originally wanted them in my wedding, but they are EXPENSIVE in August. Oh well. We'll have to start doing centerpieces at our dine-o-rounds.