Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lemon Fresh!

I was at JoAnn's the other day, looking for some fabric to make nursing shields (or in the words of Jay, "boob hiders") for friends/family (I've already made 4 and have one more in the works) when I came upon some fabric I just couldn't pass up! Luckily, I remembered that I had been wanting to make a liner for the bucket I put The Frog's used cloth diapers in, and this seemed just perfect! (Not to mention, very appropriate. Think lemon fresh!)

The Frog seems to like it too :) (Okay okay, he just likes buckets. Really, anything he can knock over. Or bang on... A girl can pretend though.)

For something with such a stinky job, isn't it cute?

1 comment:

  1. Ooohh, Libby, do you like to sew???

    If so, I will be sending you tons of sewing ideas when you have your first girl =) I have ten little girls to sew dresses for, right now. I haven't done any boys clothes yet, but I have made some "Snuggly Friends" patchwork security blanket/stuffed friend toys that are turning out sooo cute. Pattern is from originally from "Sew Baby" but I got it from McCalls. Highly recommended =)
