Friday, September 4, 2009

California Dreamin'

While Jay went to Edinburgh, Scotland to attend a conference at which he presented, The Frog and I made a trip to Southern California to visit my brother and his fam. I can't believe how big and beautiful my nieces have become!

Here are the cousins being mesmerized by Power Puff Girls (The Frog's first introduction to TV)
My bro let us women do a little child-free shopping together, and while we were gone, the girls wanted to try feeding The Frog. I love that they are demonstrating one of the unspoken rules of feeding small children- all present must unconsciously demonstrate the task at hand.
We went for a bike ride together to check out Big Sis's new school, and we had to give The Frog a glimpse of what lies in his future.
Li'l Sis and The Frog in the back of the bike trailer with their Elmos- one of which The Frog was so generously given by his sweet cousins.
We, of course, had to take a trip to the beach. The water and weather were both perfect and we all had a great time!

My little Beach Bum.
Well, we MOSTLY had a good time ;)
We celebrated my birthday early by going to the McCarthy family's favorite burger joint. This is what The Frog's first taste looks like. I'm considering sending this in as an advertisement shot. We can't wait until we get our own In-N-Out in Provo this year!
After a delicious dinner we went out to the girls' favorite frozen yogurt joint. Yum!
Our last day we went to a petting zoo.
I spent most of my time trying to get The Frog to feed the animals, instead of himself...
with a little help, he got it though.
There was a cute little playground on the premises and my brother got some great shots of The Frog.
Thanks to the cousins for letting The Frog borrow their old pink converses :D

As you can see, we had SUCH a great time and hope we can return their hospitality here in Utah sometime soon.

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