Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

I can't believe I'm 26! I think this is the first uninteresting number I've ever been, which is kind of an interesting feature, don't you think? Regardless, in the words of my good friend Mel, "well, you're now closer to 30 than 20."


My wonderful husband made me a delicious cake.

Of course it's chocolate! What did you expect?


  1. re: first uninteresting number, I totally thought the same thing when I hit 26! 26 is BORING. I was so much happier when I hit 27. infinitely better.

  2. Way to go HUSBAND - chocolate even!!
    Happiest of bdays darling daughter!! Gma J

  3. What an amazing daughter, MOTHER, friend, example, etc., etc., etc.!!!!
    Gma J
